Join the ‘original’ Employee Discount Program!

Exclusive Access to Discounts for Your Employees!

Here’s Why The Employee Network is the Best…

  • FREE to join!
  • Access to discounts at over 300 businesses and counting
  • No hidden fees at checkout
  • User-friendly website
  • Commitment to excellent customer service
  • Twenty years of experience in providing premier employee discounts

Members of our Network receive…

  • Digital Membership cards
  • Customized promotional materials
  • Corporate Road Shows
  • Mobile friendly site
  • Digital and Print Newsletter
  • Customer Support through online chat and by phone
  • Access to discounts for retired and current employees

We work for you in several capacities, including:

Employee Site

Your Employees can view their benefits 24/7 from our website. We provide graphics, links or media that you can distribute via intranet, newsletter, etc…

Mobile Friendly

Our Mobile Friendly site provides a personalized Electronic Membership Card to each member for easy, on-the-go use!


Our weekly Newsletter announces exciting, new additions to our Merchants, hot deals, contests, and upcoming Road Show Events.

Corporate Events

We bring the party to you for an informative and fun-filled Road Show that features a group of our merchants in a non-soliciting environment for your employees to learn about their discounts and win cool prizes!

Printed Directory

Our Printed Directories include all of the discounts available to your employees. This gives them an “At a Glance” overview of their discounts.

Social Marketing

Through social media we advertise specials as well as seasonal discounts for your employees.

Join our elite partners & start saving now!

Click here to contact us about joining!